Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I just posted the title of my 38th song for the "50 songs in 90 days" online challenge. When I look at the list of all my titles, I can't even remember writing at least 1/2 of them, or what they sound like...Fortunately, I've recorded them all and I plan on going back and editing thru the best ones. Hopefully, this will be the next content for my NEXT cd, which I want to call "90 days". It sounds like I've been off to a 3 month rehab center or something. And in a way, maybe I HAVE!!!

Here's a link to check my progress.
The "contest" ends on Oct. 1st. 38 down, 12 to go!

Well, it doesn't seem to be hyperlinking. In case you can't see the link, it is:
