Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Post-Circle Note

Hi, everyone. I just now am getting access to the WIW blog. I don't see me on the list but maybe I will be next time I log onto the blog. I love that word-blog. Log-on the blog....hmm. Circle was challenging for me! Forgiveness was the topic and I was more into 'boundaries' as my topic. So now that I see everyone brings pictures I wonder about how to do that, etc. Is it boring with no pictures? Anyway, we missed those of you that weren't there. Which was almost everyone. Ha!


kimmarla said...

welcome to the blog, Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, kimmarla! It is challenging my web skills. Next I will attempt a photo of some sort. The necklace was really pretty.

kimmarla said...

Thanks, Sarah! If you have trouble posting a picture give me a call and I'll walk you through it. But I'm on my way out to a lunch appt right now.