Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

This is my first blog post! I feel kind of weird checking in where any stranger can read this, but why not? Can I change my name? You all chose much better posting names than I did! I love the very long Thanksgiving break, don't you? So the news I want to report is that tonight I made Chicken and Dumplings from scratch for dinner. I started at 4:00 and we ate at 6:30! It looked more like mush in the end because the dumplings didn't stay in nice little round balls like they are supposed to, but it tasted good and was very filling and good eating for a cold November night in Texas. I've always wanted to make Chicken and Dumplings, as I have fond memories of eating them at my grandmother's house, but I wouldn't ever do it before because of the time and effort involved. So now I can say I've done it. Will I repeat the effort? Not so sure, but, as I told the kids at the table, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." I didn't take a picture because, honestly, it didn't look all that appetizing--not a work of art at all. Another bit of news to report is that I actually pulled out my scrapbooking supplies yesterday and began working in earnest on that album I was going to put together last Christmas! Hopefully I now have some momentum going and will have something to show you in a few weeks.


Michael B said...

I know this ain't scratch, but pillsbury dough rolls in the can make great dumplings.

Ellen Raff said...

Bisquick. (little giggle)

or whatever -- just try it again. I'm sure you can make dumplings. Was the broth hot enough?

Willie Baronet said...

You go girl! Them sounds yummers!!