Monday, December 31, 2007
Meeting on January 2nd
First Sky
Friday, December 28, 2007
Winter Trees
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Speaking of bewilderment...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Creative Circle Week 5: GO DEEP
Maisel uses many analogies here to speak to the need for us to leap into our work, going deep to find some inner source of creative passion/ inspiration and the fears that hold us back. "Going deep as a creator means taking risks. You risk asking the sort of questions that demand intense concentration and iron discipline to answer...You risk confronting your own demons and short comings...But if we try to stay near the surface...we will never see the glories that exist below. We'll have to rely on others to tell us about them. Those people will create -- and we will envy them."
Assuming you have bought into the need to "go deep," you inevitably will encounter bewilderment - that time when you hit the wall and do not know what to do next. Perhaps you will hit this wall even as you begin - not knowing how to start. Rumi says, "Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderness." Maisel proposes sitting with your bewilderment instead of seeking easy answers or distractions.
Maisels uses an analogy of a hero going behind enemy lines to save the world and though there is great fear, it is a noble journey. "You can have that feeling of supreme aliveness, just by tackling a mighty creative project. You can feel alert, tense and engaged...In an instant you can initiate a life-and-death struggle just by saying to yourself,'My work is vital. i must create.'"
Maisel espouses a warning about listening to others and being educated and that our creative education must come from ourselves. There are several nice examples here including a story of Van Gogh being yelled at by a teacher and quotes by Georgia O'Keefe.
Maisel speaks to a method of maintaining focus on a creative project in an almost subconscious way in posting a descriptive word or phrase of our inspired idea on a wall, etc. so that it continues to be encountered in our life until we find the juice to follow-through.
Maisel suggests that a wonderful well to be mined for creative inspiration and passion is our own past and that if we are stuck that a trip into our memories will jog something loose that will inspire us, " The naturalist who furthers our understanding of evolution [was once] just a boy with a bug jar...Embedded in our best mature work are things from long ago that are just unforgettable, if only we remember them."
Maisel again attempts to encourage us to nurture or incubate our creative ideas, recognizing the fears and blocks we have, " fear of making mistakes, negative self-appraisals, unwillingness to brace the anxiety that comes with creating, ..." There is not much here but a suggestion at some creative or critical thinking / brainstorming about taking small steps to further your work.
Maisel pontificates about the need to overcome "bad breadth" - to think outside the box.
* Morning Pages
* Walks
* Artist/Play Dates
* Do Nothing
* Creative progress/ Challenges
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Abstracting things
Click here.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Circle Holiday Party?
Julie and I were talking yesterday, I asked her if anyone had talked about a party this year. I have been wondering if you would like to come to my house and party, and Julie seconded that idea, so here is the invite.
I am thinking -- like last year, everybody bring something yummy, and whatever game you want to play, and -- if you want -- the dreaded white elephant gift exchange. Fingers crossed that no gift could possibly be worse than an old plunger.
Survey: Is this a good idea?
If yes, then what do you think about Wednesday, December 19?
We are quickly running out of December! What a shock.
Please leave your feedback.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Creative Circle Week 4: EXPLORE
This weeks reading is from Part 4 and is focused on EXPLORE!
"Our subject for the [week] is explore. Few of us do enough exploring....[As children we were constant explorers as we had not complete formed "box" of how to act or what to do] we learned a lot that way and were on our way to a lifetime of creating, the heart of which is trial and error exploration." Maisel gives a painting exercise for exploring which is OK, and it leads to an exploration of your current project.
Maisel then brings up an exploratory exercise about asking and answering a question. His point being that asking ourselves difficult questions and then attempting to answer them, takes us on creative journeys. Reminds me of the Rilke quote, something like, "Your only responsibility is to ask the question, then simply live into the answer." It is an interesting idea I again find i like his exercise more than his verbage. the exercise (p87) is to brainstorm a list of questions, then let them sit for a day or two and then revisit and see if any of the questions really inspire you and thus is born a new creative project.
Next we have a discussion on having props around us to inspire our creativity. This has the same feel to me of the Artist's Way altar. The exercise here again has an interesting twist - sort of like create a temporary altar for each project. (p89).
Creators in every field stifle their creativity by announcing to themselves,'Doing that would be too hard.' ...[Creators make excuses when] the problem is the secret muffled message she sends herself about the difficulty of creating and the smallness of her ability." His exercise here is to go at this head on and define a mega-project. For example instead of writing a song, write a musical. Not sure how I feel about this one...
This discussion I really liked and I also like the exercises. It spoke to me of art, like I have heard clues to but never this clear. The idea about going deeper than the literal image or meaning of something and that this in its nature is the creative spark. I really like his exercise here (p29), to do a series of drawings first from a very literal/ real perspective and then each time going a little more abstract. Tres interesting to me!
Here is a conversation about how easy it is to go along with the pack or the herd and how as artists, it is important to step outside the herd, the accepted way of seeing things to add something to the mix. Good thoughts, not sure about the delivery or the exercise.
"New things occur in three ways. First we seek them out and are fortunate to discover them quickly. Second, we seek them out and they elude us, but when a surendipitous accident occurs we're prepared for it and make our discovery. Third, they just happen out of the blue, by virtue of the fact that we're alert, open and everyday creative." Here is a nice easy exercise to try (p102) change a routine/ add something new (i.e take a new way to work) and then each day stretch a little further. Try it you might like it.
"[Our] instinct for survival, [our] fear of the unknow or some elemental inertia causes [us] to stay put, even though we are perfectly aware that our current [uncreative] life is unrewarding...Maybe everyday creative people really are heroic and maybe the courage they show is among the most important; the courage to leave for the unknown... The reasons to create are plentiful, but still we have to convince ourselves to take that leap and to venture into the dark territory of the familiar."
And that brings us to the end of Part 4: Explore.
Please check in:
- Morning Pages
- Walks
- Artist Dates
- Creative Progress/ Challenges
- Reading Connections
Friday, November 30, 2007
Last night I wanted a bow and arrow. You wouldn't expect me to want a bow and arrow because, as you may know, I don't hunt. But I have always loved the story of Artemis and I love Artofher, showing her with lots of dogs, out in the Wild, carrying that *icking bow and arrow. Once I was walking with my then four dogs on a golf course in early morning with the fog rolling in, and I felt rather like Artemis myself. Sort of, except for the golf course. Then, last night I pulled the Artemis card from my Goddess deck. There she was in the sunset, a deer behind her, standing by a fire with her *icking bow and arrow aiming at something, no less. So I read the text thinking, I love everything but that bow and arrow...and here's what it says...(Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph. D. available through Hay House Publishing)...
The Greek goddess Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo, the sun god. She's a powerful, tomboy-ish goddess who prefers to spend her time in the woods with wild animals. Artemis has carried a bow and arrow ever since they were given to her in childhood, yet she never uses them to hurt anything. Rather, the energy of her bow and arrow is a talisman that helps her focus her thoughts and intentions, and she always reaches the mark of her manifestations.
Artemis helps us concentrate and focus as well. She offers protection to all who call upon her, particularly women and children.
Loved that. I want to focus on that novel with my bow and arrow.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Creative Circle Part 3: Be Mindful
Part 1 (Week 1) was BEgin - all about initiating our creative energy and moving forward -- taking a step, any step. Even if it was just imagining what the step would be.
Part 2 (Week 2) was BE Human - all about being gentle with ourselves, forgiving our idiosyncrasies and our mistakes and about being present with ourselves - sitting in the silence (sounds a bit like do nothing, eh?)
And this brings us to Part 3 (Week 3) BE Mindful, which by the way doesn't technically end until Sunday, so you have time to read it (pages 57 - 80; about an hour of reading) and do an exercise or two.
Are you sleeping at the wheel?
We begin with a discussion and challenge for you. Are you asleep in your own life - are you living your life consciously or just going through the motions. If asleep how do we wake up? Sometimes it takes "trauma or drama". This morning I saw an interview with a lady that was on the cruise ship that sank near Antarctica and she talked about how waiting for the life boats really put her life in perspective and made her think about what was really important. Do you need to have a Titanic epiphany to wake up? Although I get put off by many of Mr. Maisel's exercises, he asks two good questions in his first one:
- What would it take to wake you up in your life?
- And if you did wake up, what would you do?
So now that we are asking ourselves are we conscious, our next question is...
Are you conscious or self conscious?
There is a nice little reading here about relaxing into the world being a part of something bigger (conscious) or shrinking into a world where it all revolves around you (self-conscious). it was a good read for me, because it helped me frame some things I have been worrying about and truthfully doing a little obsessing. There is also a mind/body exercise here that is simple.
So now your awake and conscious, but...
Are you thinking?
The next challenge Maisel throws out to us is about our [Americans] adeptness at critical thinking and this is the first time I have found myself appreciating his exercise more than his discussion. I did not get much juice from his reading - no helpful insight on being more thoughtful in a critical way, but his exercise of doing what I call a BRAINSTORM ANALYSIS of a simple observation was unique - try it out - definitely creative stirrings here!
Awake, conscious and willing to contemplate [instead of being spoon fed], so now it's time
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
"Sometimes it seems we lie to ourselves so much that we need to train ourselves in order to obtain self information... we don't paint and we refuse to consider why, we don't sing and we blame our reluctance on a broken air conditioner. The better plan and one each of us is capable of putting into action, is to find the courage to look into the mirror and understand ourselves thoroughly."
What is it you don't want to look at?
What is it you hide or deny about you?
Had an Artist [Play] Date lately?
Maisel gives us a specific date analysis and assignment (study a blade of grass), but any will do. You know the drill, intentionally step out of your life for a moment and revile in the play/ artistry of the moment. Do it! You know it will feel good!
Are you really so busy that you can't take an artist [play] date?
Are you creatively stuck? Are you stuck on a single project or maybe stuck deciding on what the project would be? Take some time and think it through - make a list of options or pros or cons; what would you do if you weren't stuck? Maisel prompts us to analyze the situation/ project/ area and see what things we can come up with.
After your analysis, what is one tiny thing you can do to move/ take action?
Do Nothing.
We end part three with a discussion of "losing ourselves to find ourselves." Again you know the drill. Our lives are full of movement and distraction, externally and internally. Take a moment to sit quietly without activity, "losing the noise to gain our own genius."
Do Nothing. Now Dammit!
So you've just come through Part 3; please briefly check in here for the week:
- Morning Pages
- Artist [play] Dates
- Walks
- Comments about reading/ exercises
- Other creative ruminations
"Art is an act of the soul and ours is a spiritual community."
Happy Memories
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Friday, November 23, 2007
Have yourself a merry inner Christmas
Merry Inner Christmas
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Put Me In The Game, Coach!
Are we meeting Wednesday night - before Thanksgiving? Probably not but let me know, please. Anxious to see everyone and get back into Circle mode.
Can You Find Yourself
She bit into her lunch and was surprised to taste salt and fish. But more surprised to see a table full of clowns eating next to her. Well not exactly full of clowns, one lady was simply in a sweater. Odd.
She wondered as she ate if it was true what she heard on the morning talk show that she wasn’t really watching. Some gauze-clad lady was speaking of signs and that these signs “were all around us.”
It seemed silly, almost insane, but she had a gnawing feeling inside her that there was a bit of truth here. So if the signs were everywhere, why did she not make better choices? And she couldn’t remember any of these signs speaking to her at the crossroads of her life. Or is every day and every second a crossroad?
This was getting annoying but not as annoying as the pink clad guitarist who spelled her name with a K and ended in an “I” – probably trying to distance herself from the bloody prom queen of a homophonic name. “I mean why does she keep talking to her guitars and it sounds like they have a name. She probably draws a little heart over the “I” when she signs her autograph.
She left the restaurant not quite please with her meal and thought, “These chain restaurants suck. And they keep popping up everywhere. I mean really who needs another Chili’s. I bet we’d all be better off without them – even the folks who work there.”
She began driving back to work and decided to take a side road. More annoyance as she was forced to slow down and follow an odd site in the city; a short woman on a tall horse. The horse looked like Mr. Ed.
“I wonder how she ever got on that horse, mist have had a step ladder. And how come she gets to ride horses in the middle of a Thursday. I wish some people would just get a job.”
Slowly following Mr. Ed and the short chick, she decides the radio might be enough of a diversion to calm her frustration or at least distract her. She must have hit an 80’s station as some old song, familiar but annoyingly. “Saaaa-raaah, Saaa-raah….”
She was on the point of screaming and reached too quickly for the dial and pulled it off, throwing it into the floor of the passenger seat. Reaching over to pick it up, losing sight of the road, she hit the accelerator and ran into Mr. Ed and the white haired short chick. Throwing her from his back and into a patch of puppies, softening her landing.
The lady began screaming at her while holding one limp furry beast in her hand, “The puppies! We’ve got to save the puppies.”
She felt so bad that she let the crazed lady into her car and drove furiously to a vet office she remembered just down the street, leaving Mr. Ed behind. This did not seem so important as he was not always around anyway – and seemed to be such a free spirit with his long grey mane.
They careened into the vet parking lot and she ran together with the crazed lady and poor puppy to the front door which was locked with a sign taped to the front. Their spirits dropped as they read the sign, “Closed. Out Painting. See you later Cats!”
“Great, just what we need,” she thought “Some artist hippy chick vet!”
She looked at the crazed white-haired chick who was actually smiling. She held up the puppy who was wagging his tail and said, “He’s fine. Thank God. Now I guess I better find him a home.”
“I’m really late for work,” she told the lady. “Can you get back to your horse on your own?”
“I guess,” the lady said, “But I really wish I brought my bike.”
She was glad to leave the chaos of the afternoon and head back to the sanity and safety of her office. She went to the break room on the way to her cubicle to get a lift of caffeine. As she poured milk into her cup, she noticed that there was a woman, not a child on the side of the milk.
“Have you seen this woman? Deborah. Missing since…”
“How odd,” she thought.
She went back to her cubicle and began sifting through her email. 23 messages since she left for lunch. Her eyes glazed over by about the 8th message and reply when a ceiling tile fell directly on her desk.
Looking up she saw a white Snoop Doggy Dog maintenance man on a ladder.
“What the hell are you doing?” she asked.
“Just trying to turn the lights on for some folks,” he replied.
It was a strange answer, sort of. But she didn’t have time for this. She went back to her email and coffee, hoping the day would move more quickly and peacefully.
She started to doze off again after three more emails and chastised herself for staying awake late last night watching that “gay cowboy” movie. She wondered what her soccer mom friend Ellen saw in that movie and why she kept pestering her to watch it. Was there more to it than she saw?
The phone rings, jarring her out of her daydream of being at the shore with John.
“Hello. Marketing department,” She says.
“Yes. Yes. Yes, we do specialize in women’s issues. No. We are not looking for help. No I don’t think putting a cat on your resume is wise. Yes. I do think high energy is nice. No. I cannot hire you. And sorry I am busy on Thursday night and do not want to join a women’s group. No not even if you are going to an 80’s concert after. Bye.”
That was very strange, she thinks just as the IT consultant steps into her office and asks her questions about her computer and database and all sorts of things she is not really sure about.
Suddenly as she is listening but not, she realizes there is silence. She looks up and the IT consultant is staring at her coffee mug resting on a stained glass coaster that her mother gave her last Christmas.
“Is something the matter,” she asks.
“Could I have that coaster?” the IT person asks.
“I just think I could melt that down into some really awesome earrings. Something that even that vixen on sex in the city would wear – or even that Maples woman, you know the one married to Trump.”
“You mean Kim?Marla?”
She screams and runs out of her office heading for the garage sure this must be what they call a psychotic snap. Getting in her car, she locks the doors and breathes with her eyes closed.
Slowly opening her eye, she catches sight of the necklace her mother sent her hanging over the mirror, “WWJD.”
An Empty Wednesday (The Church)
Reply to: pers-415042994@craigslist.orgDate: 2007-09-05, 9:25PM CDTI don't see you much anymore, not really. But it seems to me I see you everywhere. You show up in the weirdest places. And though you aren't really there It's like you've never gone. I will always remember the times together. The laughter, the lessons, the COOKIES. But sometimes, Wednesdays just have a hole.
· Location: The Church
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Post-Circle Note
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sorry I'll need to miss on Wednesday
Friday, November 9, 2007
My Mosaic Project
This is the project I'm working on in my new mosaics class- It's actually my brother's clothing co. logo- a DOVE. I used some glass for the part I've completed so far and have come really cool stuff called Mexican Smalti for the inside part of it- All different colors. Anyway, I'll post it again when it's finished.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Negative Space
Hello all,
Ed and I were having lunch and he was instructing me on the technique of drawing using negative space. Seeing and drawing the space around the object, rather than the object itself. As we were leaving he 'perceived' the attached photo. That evening I found this poem in a book. I thought I would share this with you.
I love the 'synchronicity' of our group.
The Space Within
Thirty spokes share the wheels hub.
It is the center hole that makes it useful.
Shape clay into a vessel;
It is the space within that makes it useful.
Cut doors and windows for a room;
It is the holes that make it useful.
Therefore profit comes from what is there;
Usefulness from what is not.
Lao Tse